The 275th Anniversary of Haberhill, MA Dollar
Approximate Current Value: $50
So-Called Dollar Value Guide: Value of 1915 HK-665 The 275th Anniversary of Haberhill, MA Dollar Dollar
Value of 1915 HK-665 The 275th Anniversary of Haberhill, MA Dollar
This So-Called Dollar is given the catalog number HK-665
The obverse text on this So-Called Dollar reads Haverhill, Settled 1640 Instituted a City 1870, 275th Anniversary, 1640 1915 and the reverse text is Hannah Duston Commemorating the Protection of the Children, W & H Co Newark N.J. The front side of the coin shows a shield in the center with the sun rising over the mountains, a crown rests on top of the shield, two borders surround the shield, which also has a wreath around it, each border has series of text within. The backside of the coin depicts a rider on horseback with a sword pointed at a man on the ground, a tree behind the Native American with text above.
So-Called Dollars can be difficult to price, difficult to identify, and difficult to find. If you think that you own a SCD and would like an estimate of the current value, please contact our experts. We are always happy to give you an auction estimate, or an outright buying price if you are in a hurry to sell. Our experts have extensive knowledge of these coins, as well as all types of rare medals and tokens. When looking to sell, just remember that we are rare coin buyers!