1829 Andrew Jackson Peace Medal
Approximate Current Value: $58,750
History, Information, and Value of 1829 Andrew Jackson Indian Peace Medal
<h3Value of 1829 Andrew Jackson Indian Peace Medal
The Andrew Jackson Indian Peace Medal was completed in the spring of 1832, even though Jackson was inaugurated in 1829. Thomas McKenny, superintendent of the Bureau of Indian Affairs did attempt to expedite the process, but due to slow activity at the Mint, the medal was produced late in Andrew’s Presidency. The obverse was designed by Moritz Furst, who completed all three dies in 1831. The obverse displays a bust of Jackson, facing to the right. He wears a suit coat and there is a draped cloth around his lower chest. The legend reads, “ANDREW JACKSON PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES A.D. 1829.” The reverse displays two hands shaking below a peace pipe and tomahawk. The legend reads, “PEACE AND FRIENDSHIP.” The reverse design was a popular one on medals struck between 1809-1849. This is the largest Jackson medal of the set of three.