They Flourish Under All Stars Medal
Approximate Current Value: $
History, Information, and Value of 1751 They Flourish Under All Stars Franco-American Jeton Medal
Value of 1751 They Flourish Under All Stars Franco-American Jeton Medal
The medal displays Louis XV on the obverse, facing to the right, wearing armor and a laurel crown on his head. The legend translates, “Louis XV, most Christian King”. The reverse displays an Indian standing near a river while carrying a bow and quiver. He walks to the left but looks back at a field of lilies. In the distance is a palm tree and an alligator in the water. The legend translates, “They increase beneath every constellation” and in exergue, “French Colonies in America. 1751.”
The obverse and reverse text read as follows: Lud XV Rex Christianiss | and | Sub Omni Sidere Crescunt; Col. Fr. De L’am 1751.