Value of Old American Medals
American Medals have been a large part of our history. As early as the mid-1500s, the Europeans issued medals to celebrate the founding of America. Fast-forward two hundred years and the medals were used to celebrate America's freedom. Eventually, medals became wide-spread and were created for every event from declaring peace with the Indians, to getting into a fair for a cheaper price. Here we have a selection of some of America's (and Europe's) most prominent medals. While this isn't a completely exhaustive list, it definitely covers most of the bases.
Betts Discovery Medals (1556-1631)
Betts Colonization Medals (1632-1737)
Betts Admiral Vernon Medals (1739-1741)
Betts Proclamation Pieces of Ferdinand VI Medals (1746-1747)
Betts Intercolonial Wars Medals (1745-1763)
Betts Proclamation Pieces of Charles III of Spain Medals (1760-1761)
Betts Peace of Paris and Revolution Medals (1763-1775)
Betts Revolutionary War Medals (1775-1782)
Betts American Independence Medals (1782-1786)
Julian Assay Commission Medals (1860-1977)
Julian Commemorative Medals (1808-1892)
Julian Indian Peace Medals (1757-1889)
Julian Professional Medals (1823-1890)
So Called Dollars American Personalities
So Called Dollars Industrial
So Called Dollars Monetary Issue
So Called Dollars State, County, City, and Regional
So Called Dollars Other